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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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Dictionary Norwegian English: sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 537  >>

NOUN   a farewell to sb./sth. | farewells to sb./sth.
SYNO   STH | growth hormone ... 
inntil noe {prep} [romlig]against sth. [spatially]
Unverified til og med noen/noeeven sb./sth.
noen griper i noesb. grips sth.
noen tar tak i noesb. grips sth.
noen/noe komsb./sth. came
[noen/noe] kansb./sth. can
[noen/noe] haddesb./sth. had
[noen/noe] ersb./sth. is
noen/noe kunnesb./sth. may [might]
[noen/noe] varsb./sth. was
noe lakkersth. approaches
noe skjeddesth. happened
noe når noesth. reaches sth.
å hente noe
to fetch sth.
å lykkes i noeto ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in sth.]
å vinne (i) noeto ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in sth.]
utda. å bestå noe [en eksamen e.l.]to ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to do very well in an exam]
å besvare noeto answer sth.
å applaudere (noen/noe)to applaud (sb./sth.)
å sette pris noen/noe [verdsette]to appreciate sb./sth.
å digge noe [uform.]to appreciate sth.
å ut fra noe [fig.]to assume sth.
å ut ifra noe [fig.]to assume sth.
inform. å vedlegge noeto attach sth.
å berettige noen/noeto authorise sb./sth. [Br.]
med. å obdusere noen/noeto autopsy sb./sth.
å igangsette noe [litt.]to begin sth.
å styrke noen/noeto bolster sb./sth. [fig.]
å forsterke noeto bolster sth.
handel å handle (inn) (noe) [kjøpe]to buy (sth.)
handel å avbestille noeto cancel sth.
bygg. å fuge noe [fylle fuger med kalkmasse e.l.]to caulk sth.
å endre noeto change sth.
å sjekke noeto check sth.
Unverified å knipe til [klemme, presse, trykke (sammen)]to clamp sth.
å rydde noeto clear sth. [for cultivation]
å samle noeto collect sth.
å sette kulør noeto colorize sth. [Am.]
å sette kulør noeto colourise sth. [Br.]
handel å kommersialisere noeto commercialise sth. [Br.]
jur. å begå noeto commit sth.
å innse noeto comprehend sth.
jur. å inndra noeto confiscate sth.
å innta noe [erobre] [også fig.]to conquer sth. [also fig.]
å styre noeto control sth.
å koordinere noeto coordinate sth.
å etse noeto corrode sth.
Unverified å dekke til noen/noeto cover sb./sth.
å dempe noeto cushion sth. [a blow, a shock]
å datere noeto date sth.
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