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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

BETA Norwegian-English translation for: four-year-old
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Dictionary Norwegian English: four year old

Translation 1 - 50 of 77  >>

ADJ   four-year-old | - | -
NOUN   a four-year-old | four-year-olds
fireåring {m}four-year-old
Partial Matches
førtis {m} [uform.]forty-year-old <40-year-old>
-årig {adj}-year-old [attr.]
fjortis {m} [uform.]fourteen year old
ettåring {m}one-year-old
seksåring {m}six-year-old
treåring {m}three-year-old
toåring {m}two-year-old [child]
ettårig {adj}one-year-old [attr.] [in age]
mat. åttifireeighty-four
tek. firesylindret {adj}four-cylinder
mus. firhendig {adj}four-handed
møbler himmelseng {m/f}four-poster
kjøretøy firehjuling {m}four-wheeler
firesifret {adj}four-digit [attr.]
firedimensjonal {adj}four-dimensional <4D>
ark. bygg. eiendom fireetasjes {adj} [ubøy.]four-floor [attr.]
ark. bygg. eiendom fireetasjes {adj} [ubøy.]four-storeyed [Br.]
ark. bygg. eiendom fireetasjes {adj} [ubøy.]four-storied [Am.]
bot. firkløver {m}four-leaf clover
møbler himmelseng {m/f}four-poster bed
kjøretøy firehjulsdrift {m/f}four-wheel drive
hist. pol. Firerbanden {m}Gang of Four
gammel {adj}old
ark. bygg. eiendom fireetasjes {adj} [ubøy.]four-storey [attr.] [Br.]
mat. firefargeproblem {n}four-color problem [Am.]
mat. firefargeproblem {n}four-colour problem [Br.]
kjøretøy tek. firehjulstrekk {n}four-wheel drive drivetrain
enhet år {n}year
gammaldags {adj}old-fashioned
gammeldags {adj}old-fashioned
gammelmodig {adj}old-fashioned
alderdom {m}old age
lingv. gammelengelsk {n} [ubøy.]Old English
gubbe {m} [gammel mann]old man
lingv. norrønt {n} [ubøy.]Old Norse
lingv. gammelnorsk {m}Old Norwegian
lingv. gammelnorsk {n} [ubøy.]Old Norwegian
gamling {m} [uform.] [til dels nedsett.]old person
i fjorlast year
i årthis year
basisår {n}base year
kalenderår {n}calendar year
halvår {n}half year
skuddår {n}leap year
astron. lysår {n}light year
alderspensjon {m}old-age pension
annethvert årevery other year
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