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BETA Norwegian-English translation for: Alzheimer\'s
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Dictionary Norwegian English: Alzheimer 's

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Partial Matches
teft {m}scent of an animal('s) or person('s track)
sør {adv} <S> [for]south <S> [of]
syd {adv} <S> [for]south <S> [of]
noens {pron}somebody's <sb.'s>
noens {pron}someone's <so.'s>
svovel {m} {n} <S>sulfur [Am.] <S>
svovel {m} {n} <S>sulphur [Br.] <S>
lingv. fuge-s {m}s interfix
barbersalong {m}barber's
handel iktyo. fiskebutikk {m}fishmonger's
jur. Unverified kronvitne {n}state's evidence
anat. adamseple {n}Adam's apple
handel antikvariat {n}antiquarian bookseller's
utda. bachelorgrad {m}bachelor's degree
litt. barnebok {m/f}children's book
handel barneprodukter {pl}children's products
mus. barnesang {m}children's song
møbler barneseng {m/f}child's bed
fjerns. barnetime {m}children's hour
klær barnetruse {m/f}children's panty
brorpart {m}lion's share
sykkel damesykkel {m}women's bicycle
klær dametruse {m/f}women's panty
dukkehus {n}doll's house
farsdag {m}Father's Day
pol. folkerepublikk {m}People's Republic
kjøretøy førersete {n}driver's seat
orn. fugleegg {n}bird's egg
orn. fuglerede {n}bird's nest
zool. grisetryne {n}pig's snout
hårsbredd {m}hair's breadth
heksegryte {m/f}witch's cauldron
jobber klær tekstil. herreskredder {m}men's tailor
klær herretruse {m/f}men's panty
geol. jettegryte {m/f}giant's cauldron
geol. jettegryte {m/f}giant's kettle
jordakse {m}Earth's axis
geol. jordskorpe {m/f}Earth's crust
kumelk {m/f}cow's milk
jur. kvinnefengsel {n}women's prison
sport kvinnelag {n}women's team
med. legefrakk {m}doctor's smock
med. legetime {m}doctor's appointment
utda. mastergrad {m}master's degree
renseri {n}dry cleaner's
skrivekrampe {m}writer's cramp
litt. skrivesperre {m/f}writer's block
smie {m/f}blacksmith's workshop
steinkast {n}stone's throw
hist. mil. svinfylking {m/f}boar's snout
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