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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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Dictionary Norwegian English: [sth]

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

lei {adj} [av noe]
tired [of sth.]
Unverified pisslei [vulg.] [uform.]tired [of sth.]
å lykkes i noeto ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in sth.]
å vinne (i) noeto ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in sth.]
å pirke  bruke et pirkeverktøy, eller å pirke noe]to pick [to use a pick tool, or to poke at sth.]
Unverified [offentlig omtale eller reklame for noen/noe]to plug sb./sth. [public mention or advertisement for sth.]
å unngå noeto shirk sth. [to avoid sth.]
å skåle for noen/noeto toast sb./sth. [drink to sb./sth.]
elsker {m} [av noe]
lover [of sth., also man in a sexual relationship]
Unverified krøll {noun}[sth. that is bent]
virkemåte {m}[the way sth. works]
klokke {m/f}bell [eg. of a church; also doorbell; sth. having the form of a bell]
bit {m} [munnfull]bit [sth. bitten]
bygg. ind. bygging {m/f}building [construction of sth.]
klipp {n}clip [sth. that is cut off]
nedleggelse {m}closure [closing down of sth.]
skjæring {m/f} [av noe]cutting [of sth.]
følge {m} [person(er) som følger noen/noe]enourage [person(s) following sb./sth.]
avsløring {m/f}exposure [act of revealing secrets about sb./sth.]
godbit {m} [uform.] [fig.]goodie [coll.] [fig.] [sth. particularly attractive]
[en porsjon mat eller lignende gitt til en trengende person] {noun}handout [sth. given freely to a person in need]
finnerlønn {m/f}reward [money paid to sb. who finds sth.]
2 Words: Verbs
Unverified å forstå detto get it [to understand sth.]
å klare det [holde ut]to make it [manage sth.]
å oppkalle noen/noe etter noen/noeto name sb./sth. after sb./sth.
å unnlateto omit (to) [fail / neglect to do sth.]
Unverified å legge noen/noe nedto put sb./sth. down [to lay sb./sth. down]
Unverified å feste seg til noen/noeto stick to sb./sth. [like sth. sticky]
å forvandle noen/noe til noen/noeto turn sb./sth. into sb./sth.
2 Words: Nouns
handel nyheter {pl} [noe som er nytt]new additions [sth. that is new]
treer {m}number three [sb./sth. who/that is number 3]
3 Words: Others
For å ha det gøy ... [som et svar hvorfor noe ble eller vil bli gjort; eller i starten av en setning]To have fun ... [as an answer as to why sth. was or will be done; or in the start of a sentence]
3 Words: Verbs
å være velsignet med noe [begunstiget]to be graced with sth. [to have sth. in abundance]
å gire etter noe [uform.]to be up for sth. [idiom] [to be avid for sth.]
å klare seg med noeto get by with sth. [to manage sth.]
å lykkes i noeto make it in sth. [succeed in sth.]
å se lyset [idiom]  forstå noe du ikke forsto før]to see the light [idiom] [to understand sth. you did not understand before]
4 Words: Others
noen/noe er svaret noen/noesb./sth. is the answer to sb./sth.
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