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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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Dictionary Norwegian English: [etc ;]

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forekomst {m}deposit [minerals etc.]
maske {m/f}stitch [knitting etc.]
slibrig {adj}dirty [jokes, language, etc.]
skrå {adj}oblique [line, angle etc.]
å støpeto cast [metal etc.]
å høsteto pick [fruit etc.]
å hamreto pound [heart etc.]
å servereto serve [food etc.]
å tilbringeto spend [time etc.]
å overføreto transmit [disease etc.]
elektr. strykejern {n}iron [for clothes etc.]
sport kamp {m}match [boxing, football etc]
transp. holdeplass {m}stop [for buses etc.]
strekning {m/f}stretch [of road etc.]
lydighet {m/f}submission [to orders, wishes etc.]
klær fotsid {adj}full-length [dress etc.]
gastr. halvtørr {adj}medium-dry [wine etc.]
sport innkast {n}throw-in [football etc.]
å blato browse [books, magazines etc.]
å sammenkalleto convene [a meeting etc.]
å glasereto glaze [ceramics, food etc.]
å padleto paddle [a canoe etc.]
å spille innto record [music etc.]
eske {m/f}box [matchbox, of crackers etc.]
rand {m/f}brim [of a glass etc.]
figur {m}character [in a story etc.]
innløp {n}entrance [to a harbour, fjord etc.]
skår {n}fragment [of glass, china etc.]
drivstoff {n}fuel [for vehicles, aircraft etc.]
naut. sluse {m/f}lock [on a canal etc.]
fyrstikk {m/f}match [for lighting fires etc.]
padleåre {m/f}paddle [for a canoe etc.]
strøk {n}stroke [with pen, pencil etc...]
(flere) titalls {adj}tens of [millions etc.]
hydro. avrenning {m/f}run-off [of water etc.]
å tegneto draw [with a pencil etc.]
saldo {m}balance [of a bank account etc.]
kolleksjon {m}collection [range of new clothes etc.]
geogr. munning {m/f}mouth [of a river, fjord etc.]
mus. rørblad {n}reed [elastic tongue of cane etc.]
speilbilde {n}reflection [in a mirror, water etc.]
kritikk {m}review [of a book, film etc.]
å forfalleto fall due [for payment etc,]
med {prep} [båt, tog osv.]by [boat, train etc.]
spill sport uavgjort {adj}drawn [of a sports match, game etc.]
kasse {m/f}box [jewellery box, on newspaper page etc.]
brudd {n}break [fracture] [also of relationship, development etc.]
kalesje {m}hood [Br.] [on a pram, convertible etc.]
å utløpe [lisens, embetstid etc.]to end [come to an end]
å utløpe [lisens, embetstid etc.]to expire [come to an end]
resepsjon {m}reception [area in a hotel etc., formal occasion]
vilkår {n}term [in an agreement etc.; terms and conditions]
å fraskrive noen noeto deny sb. sth. [talent, honesty etc.]
å kjennes ...to feel ... [e.g. of objects: feel strange, rough, etc.]
å videresende noe [et brev osv.]to forward sth. [a letter, etc.]
traf. å trafikkere [gå i bestemt, regelmessig rute]to run [train, bus, etc.]
å tilkomme noento be due to sb. [money, leave, respect, etc.]
å søke om/ [et stipend osv.]to apply for [a scholarship etc.]
å gi ut [om bok, blad osv.]to bring out [book, paper etc.]
masse [uform.] [folk, penger e.l.]a lot of [people, money, etc.]
mulig å ri {adj} [med hest, kamel, esel osv.]rideable [on the back of a horse, etc.]
artist {m} [i sirkusforestilling osv.]artist [circus, variety, etc.]
kjøretøy sykkel Unverified lasteplan {n}bed [like a truck,transport truck/trailer, cargo bike etc.]
trommel {m}drum [brake drum, cable drum etc.]
Unverified å ta inn  føye inn; i bok, protokoll e.l.]to add in [in book, protocol etc.]
Unverified å posisjonere segto take the position [especially in a hierarchy, in a power struggle etc]
med. grønn resept {m} [fig.][recommendation from a doctor about exercise, healthy diet etc. as part of the treatment or prevention of disease]
harrytur {m} [uform.] [tur til et naboland (især fra Norge til Sverige) for å kjøpe matvarer, alkohol, tobakk o.l. til lave priser][trip to a neighboring country (especially from Norway to Sweden) to buy food, alcohol, tobacco, etc. at low prices]
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