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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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Dictionary Norwegian English: [an]

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

både-og [uform.] [som svar]both [yes and no] [as an answer]
ubestemt tid {adv}indefinitely [for an undefined period]
jur. å tiltale noen
to charge sb. [for an offence]
utda. å bestå noe [en eksamen e.l.]to ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to do very well in an exam]
å utløpe [lisens, embetstid etc.]to end [come to an end]
inform. å avslutte [en app]to exit [an application]
å utløpe [lisens, embetstid etc.]to expire [come to an end]
orn. zool. å klekketo hatch [emerge from an egg]
utda. å bestå noe [en eksamen e.l.]to pass sth. [e.g. an exam]
Unverified å dekke   ut til et område]to reach [to reach out to an area]
Unverified å pådra seg noeto sustain sth. [an injury]
vilkår {n}
term [in an agreement etc.; terms and conditions]
bot. Unverified plantevekst {m}[common name for the plants that grow in an area]
våpen voldsprodukt {n}[product that can be used to commit an act of violence]
brannred drapsutrykning {m/f}[turning out of the police in an incident of murder]
regnskap {n}accounts {pl} [prepared by an accountant]
jur. tiltale {m}charge [for an offence]
kommandør {m}commander [of an honorary order]
hist. hellener {m}Hellene [an inhabitant of Ancient Greece]
vertskap {n}host [person, place or organization holding an event or having guests]
elektr. støpsel {n}plug [for plugging into an electrical socket]
litt. opplesning {m/f}reading [to an audience]
oppgjør {n}settlement [agreement; adjustment of an account]
zool. snabel {m}trunk [of an elephant]
2 Words: Verbs
Unverified å gjennom noe [penetrere en gjenstand, passere gjennom]to go through sth. [penetrate an object, pass through]
å tre noe gjennom noe [føre noe gjennom en åpning e.l.]to pass sth. through sth. [e.g. an opening]
å snakke rett fra leveren [idiom]to speak out [express an opinion frankly]
2 Words: Nouns
utda. pensumliste {m/f}reading list [for an exam]
admin. jobber departementsråd {m}secretary general [of an administrative department]
sykkel Unverified oppstartsassistanse {m} [funksjon  en elsykkel]start assist [function on an ebike]
naut. Unverified å snu et åreblad {noun}to feather [to turn an oar blade]
zool. vinterdrakt {m/f}winter coat [of an animal]
3 Words: Others
For å ha det gøy ... [som et svar hvorfor noe ble eller vil bli gjort; eller i starten av en setning]To have fun ... [as an answer as to why sth. was or will be done; or in the start of a sentence]
både-og [uform.] [som svar]yes and no [as an answer]
3 Words: Verbs
iktyo. uttrykk Unverified å bite (kroken)to take the bait [fish] [also fig.] [respond to an offer]
4 Words: Verbs
å være beina [etter en sykdom]to be up and about [after an illness]
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