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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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Dictionary Norwegian English: [OR 6]

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naut. sjekte {m/f}[4.5 to 6 m long sailing or motor boat with pointed bow and stern]
litt. tegn. F Asterix i keiserens klær [Asterix, utgave #6] [Uderzo, Goscinny]Asterix the Legionary
gæren {adj} [uform.]twisted [mentally or emotionally unsound or disturbed]
syk {adj} [sinnssyk]twisted [mentally or emotionally unsound or disturbed]
iktyo. naut. sjøbunn {m}seabed [or the bottom of a fjord or lake]
vertskap {n}host [person, place or organization holding an event or having guests]
gal {adj} [motsatt av det som er normalt eller forventet]twisted [mentally or emotionally unsound or disturbed]
For å ha det gøy ... [som et svar hvorfor noe ble eller vil bli gjort; eller i starten av en setning]To have fun ... [as an answer as to why sth. was or will be done; or in the start of a sentence]
tegn {n}character [letter or symbol]
iktyo. luftf. halefinne {m}tailfin [or: tail fin]
begrep {n}term [word or phrase]
med. transplantat {n}transplant [tissue or organ]
pissoar {n}urinal [building or facility]
energetisk {adj}energetic [of or relating to energy]
fys. luftf. aerodynamikk {m}aerodynamics [treated as {sg} or {pl}]
pol. relig. apologetikk {m}apologetics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
entom. T
bie {m/f}
bøsse {m/f}box [for collection or saving]
vemmelse {m}disgust [intense dislike or repugnance]
vifte {m/f}fan [hand-held or electrical]
luftf. naut. flåte {m}fleet [of ships or aircraft]
med. geriatri {m}geriatrics [treated as sg. or pl.]
bohem {m}Bohemian [or: bohemian] [socially unconventional person]
samlivsbrudd {n}breakup [of a relationship or marriage]
karm {m}frame [for a door or window]
meie {m/f}runner [on a sled or sleigh]
klær boksershorts {m}boxer shorts [one or more pairs]
akad. sosiol. utda. kjønnsforskning {m/f}gender studies {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
brannred pol. opprørspoliti {n}riot police [treated as sg. or pl.]
postnummer {n}zip code [or: ZIP code] [Am.]
ugyldig {adj}invalid [having no legal or binding force]
følelsesbetont {adj}sentimental [marked by or resulting from feeling]
utda. blåruss {m}[graduate in economics or service and transport]
beklagelse {m} [unnskyldning]apology [admission of error or discourtesy]
klær støvlett {m}boot [for women: calf-length or higher]
klær støvletter {pl}boots [for women: calf-length or higher]
brudd {n} [samlivsbrudd]breakup [of a relationship or marriage]
sport kølle {m/f}club [stick or bat to hit a ball]
likestilling {m/f}equality [quality or state of being equal]
følge {m} [foreld.] [rekkefølge]sequence [continuous or connected series]
å forårsake forvirringto cause havoc [confusion or disorder]
å forårsake kaosto cause havoc [confusion or disorder]
intern. telekom. sosiale medier {pl}social media [treated as sg. or pl.]
trasé {m}alignment [e.g. of a railway or road]
likemann {m}peer [person of the same age or status]
å fortneto gain (time) [clock or watch running fast]
kjøretøy skilttyv {m}sign thief [street/place signs or license plates]
å gasse noeto gas sth. [treat or poison with gas]
å slipeto grind [wear down, polish, or sharpen by friction]
naut. bakdekk {n}[rear of the deck on a ship or boat]
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