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Engelsk-norsk (Bokmål) ordbok

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Dictionary Norwegian English: [In]

Translation 1 - 50 of 127  >>

i utlandet {adv}abroad [in a foreign country]
i alt {adv}altogether [in total]
vannlevende {adj}aquatic [living in water]
uordnet {adj}disordered [in need of being sorted]
hjemmehørende {adj} [i]domiciled [in]
og utover {adv}onwards [forward in time]
delvis {adj}partial [only in part]
ensfarget {adj}plain [in only one colour]
er du snillplease [used in a request]
blid {adj} [fig.] [om landskap]pretty [about landscape] [beautiful in a gentle way]
bofast {adj}settled [living in one place]
yrkesaktiv {adj}working [in employment]
joyes [in response to a negative question]
å fengsle
to detain [in custody]
Unverified å formere seg [stille seg i en bestemt formasjon][to arrange in a certain formation]
Unverified å hardt for seg[to take place, unfold in a violent, violent way]
å lykkes i noeto ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in sth.]
å vinne (i) noeto ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [perform very well in sth.]
utda. å bestå noe [en eksamen e.l.]to ace sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to do very well in an exam]
å synke [gå ned]to decline [become less in amount]
å slå seg nedto settle [live in one place]
å skjeleto squint [look in different directions]
elsker {m} [av noe]
lover [of sth., also man in a sexual relationship]
fin. økon. aksje {m}
share [in a company]
huske {m/f}
swing [e.g. in a playground]
vilkår {n}
term [in an agreement etc.; terms and conditions]
jur. klagenemnda {m/f} [best. f.][a board of appeal in Norway]
brannred Unverified omvendt voldsalarm {m}[ankle bracelet for violent offenders in house arrest]
utda. russedåp {m}[christening of pupils in their final spring semester during russ celebration]
bot. Unverified plantevekst {m}[common name for the plants that grow in an area]
utda. blåruss {m}[graduate in economics or service and transport]
utda. rødruss {m}[graduate in general study]
utda. svartruss {m}[graduate in professional studies]
med. stressnakke {m}[pain, stiffness in the neck due to stress]
utested {n}[place to go out in the evening to socialize, e.g. a bar or a disco]
gastr. pølse {m/f} i lompe[sausage, rolled in lompe, a type of Norwegian soft flatbread]
bygg. Unverified asfalteringslokk {m}[temporary cover to use in place of the real manhole cover for asphalt work.]
brannred drapsutrykning {m/f}[turning out of the police in an incident of murder]
teater akt {m/f} [i et skuespill]act [in a play]
geogr. jur. utmark {m/f}backcountry ["utmark" in Norwegian law]
pol. proposisjon {m}bill [in parliament]
kjøretøy bagasjerom {n}boot [Br.] [in a car]
figur {m}character [in a story etc.]
rute {m/f} [i mønster]check [in a pattern]
relig. kongregasjon {m}congregation [in Roman Catholic Church]
disk {m} [i butikk]counter [in a shop]
innskudd {n}deposit [in a bank]
lingv. lavspråk {n}dialect ["low" variety in a situation of diglossia]
kjøretur {m}drive [journey in a vehicle]
flesk {n} [fettlag]fat [in animal tissue]
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